HQ Nationals 2017

As everyone winds back down from the weekend or arrives back home we want to extend a big thank you to everyone who made the HY-GEN HQ Nationals 2017 a great event.
A huge number of cars made the journey west including 9 from Tasmania, 5 from South Australia, 5 from Queensland, 3 from Victoria and 2 from NSW. Additionally 19 local WA cars competed, making for a huge field of 43 cars.
Congratulations to Brett Osborn on taking out the National title (his 2nd). Also well done to 2nd place Joel Heinrich and WA's Marc Watkins for 3rd place. The racing was a lot tighter than everyone expected with the track's low grip and tricky corners proving a great equaliser. Any number of cars could have taken out the final with no clear favourite coming forward during the heats.
Awards presented...
Best presented: Andrew Bird
Hard charger: Graham Boulter
Most entertaining: Gary Bonwick
Mr motormouth: Ryan Davis
A shout out to all officials, marshals and volunteer crews for their assistance over the race meeting. Our sponsors HY-GEN, Acciari's Butchers, AM Diagnostics, Southwest Hydroponics and Vanity Rides for making the event possible. The HQ Racing WA committee for putting it all together and the WASCC for all their assistance.
HQ Racing WA
​Online entries can now be put through on the cams website. I can see a number of you have done so already.
Hopefully most of you are familiar with entering via the CAMS online portal (www.cams.com.au)​ or know someone who can help them.
**Very Important** please select Direct Deposit​ w​hen you get to the payment section as your payments​/deposits​ are coming to us via EFT.​
With your entry comes one 2017 Nationals shirt. Please email us back with what size shirt you would like eg:
S | M | L | XL | XXL | XXXL
If you would like to purchase ​extra shirts (@ $35 each) please put down how many and what sizes.
Shirts can be purchased at the event but there is no guarantee of stock left (sizes etc). Please let us know asap so we can guarantee you get one.​
In​field pit lane garages​
The garage/pit lane layout will be released soon...
The garages are available from Wednesday onwards.
Be sure to bring​ a TV as you can hook up to the Natsoft live timing in the garages.
Tyre fitting and balancing will be available on all 3 days behind the garages (Special thanks to David Amor for covering this on the Friday and Sunday).
A camping permit has been lodged if anyone wishes to stay at the track.
Schedule / Food
An additional private practice has been organised (thanks Sue Ashlin) on Thursday afternoon 3:00pm to 5:00pm at $100 per driver if anyone wishes to join.
A welcome BBQ will be held on the infield on the Friday evening after the HQ only practice session has concluded. T​his session will finish at 5:45 pm ​leaving us 15 minutes to move any vehicles back across the track as​ the track is in use again at 6:00 pm. You can still get across the track after this by the pedestrian bridge.
We estimate the on track racing to be finished by 4:00 ​p​m on Sunday with presentations and the Sunday afternoon catering to begin at ​5:30 pm.
​We look forward to seeing you ​all here and can't wait to get out on track. Once again if you have any questions please email us here at info@hqracingwa.com.
ps: Shirt size and orders.
HQ Racing WA
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